At CDS Global, we like to give back, our chosen charity to support for 2023 was the Jubilee Foodbank which operates in our local community in Market Harborough.
Throughout the year CDS Global staff raised £1,693,99 through a series of auctions, staff sales and coffee mornings.
In November 2023 our fantastic staff also donated over 50 bags of food to be distributed to people in food crisis within the local area.
"Thank you so much for the generous donations that your team made in November. Giving over 50 bags of food will support many families and individuals in around Market Harborough. Thank you for raising a financial donation too. £1,693.99 means
that we can continue to be confident in continuing to provide food, and give out vouchers for fresh food from the indoor market."
Liz Mills MBE
Chair, Jubilee Foodbank Board of Trustees